Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Friends from 2+2 Email ME!!!

I'm on the verge of a nervy breakdown. Newsweek has asked me about my blog and suggested I could cover the WSOP Main Event for them. All I have to do is pay for my airfare but once there they will put me up for just a $100 a night cost to me at the airport Red Roof Inn and they might use my article. I'm supposed to meet up with a Lieutenant Franklin and give him my money and he will take care of all the small details. That's a good offer right? Oh, oh, before I forget, friends I also got an email about a Nigerian who's fallen on hard times and needs some money just to be able to excess his considerable fortune. I may start a collection on this site or on myspace. I never heard of such tragedy.

Please in these tough times, it's friends that prop you up and our friends are our future, so as I struggle with my newfound fame I'd really like it if you guys could offer me some support on my blog and let me know what direction I should go in. You guys know who you are AnnieDukester, SuckHeed, and elmaitred. I am at my witless end on this.


Haterade said...
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Vanessa Selbst said...

This is just what of I am speaking! I thought one of my 2+2 buddies was on here picking me up but it's a spammer. I will not allow people to leech off the enormous popularity of my site to further their own pocketbooks. I have a HUGE update about my newsweek deal. I complained about the hotel after I goggled it and they said they'd upgrade me to another hotel for just $200 a night. Also, part of the package is a walk-on role in the background of a Raw Vegas video report. Guys, let me know what I should do...

Haterade said...

Are you the real Vanessa Selbst? I am a huge fan. I think you are the future of poker and the evolution of a species.

Bad Beet said...

Its over bitches im taking over poker world now, you might as well give it up.