Sunday, June 24, 2007

Interview Requests

The tears of a clown are tears no one can see because they rain down under the make up of the painted man. I think Stevie Wonder said that. It has to do with the glare of the spotlight being so bright it burns, I think. I feel that effect first hand. I once read an op-ed piece that compared midget bowling to putting a albino under a heat lamp with a stencil on his chest. Now I am that albino.

I feel the wax wings of hercules melting under my sweaty folds as I got too close to the sun, and now I have to write here for everyone to see I am turning down all interview requests. If you want to talk about the content of my blog, my admiration for Vanessa Selbst that's one thing but if you want to discuss sex issues I will not participate. For the first and last time, I am happy in my own sex. I do not think the content of my blog should be focused on that issue.

Moreover, I would prefer it that the people who call me the next Brandi or girl that called terrance chan "johnny" just back off a bit. Like that silent fart under the sheets in the company of your loved one, let's let this air out a bit.

First things first, please don't make me pull this blog. Though it's only been up for a short time I feel a deep love and effection to it. When I conceive a child be it through borrowed sperm or in a completed reception I hope to emote the same way to that diaper wearer as I do this endevor--that's how much this means to me.


1 comment:

BullFeathers said...

This post is so troubling I don't even know where to start so I won't.

Quick advert for me though: