Okay first things first... I ran out of space on my profile, I update it to give you a little look into myself, here's the rest that was cut out by stupid blogger.
What I wrote is nonbold but what you missed is in bold.
I like Poker and Dancing in the Round, Dancing with the Stars, watching Star Search on the bed cover from a seedy motel, I like long walks in the desert, sipping a slurpee, short shorts and large triceps, a woman who's played linebacker, the word "ruggger", flannels drenched in drakkar noir, hot tomato soup, spoon feeding the bedridden, basking in anything... but preferably afterglow, the word gonads, walking laps in the mall, thunderstorms in May, shepherds, tassels not shoelaces, reminding people dykes are dams but dykes aren't damned, the LPGA, fleece throw rugs, the smell of the drain at the base of a commune's shower, moonlighting as a security guard but not moonlighting the TV show--poor Addison she needed a more delicate touch, whispers in the dark, butterfly kisses and butterfly nets, fly fishing and fishing flys, shagging flys and the softball players that threw them, haircuts and thick overgrowth, handlebar munchstaches, camelhair shirts and cameltoed pants, delicate flowers, eyeteeth, bad jokes told well and good jokes told badly, first things first and last things last,
truffle snouting and sinnewy women, aussies who say wankers but don't have soul patches except for Joe Hachem I'd almost switch sides for him, swimming in the placid green pools of Vanessa's eyes, matchbox 20, oceanogry, greenpeace but not green pieces although both go hand and hand believe me I've done enough work in malaria laden jungles with strongarmed women and the even stronger armpits of deodarant depleted breeders to know volunteer work is like bandcamp for lesbians and academics and the only thing more popular than a shipment of Right Guard is the shipment of pencillian, Yeats, montages, skylines, Krispy Kreme donuts and creme free donuts, ESPN commericals, candles waning light, legfuzz, organ music, candlelabras, ACDC, cannabis, kangaroo brand shoes and kangaroo skin bras, Bubbleboy, bamboo rafts, walkie-talkies, Waylon Jennings, Frida, fishsticks in honey or fishstench under honey, honey, honesty, pina coladas, Peabo Bryson, cunning linguistics--hum german to me Fraulein, penny operas, Empire Strikes Back (Boo Yah what a rad movie) go Carrie Fischer, backpacking, theme song to Laverne and Shirley or anything tangetially related to Penny Marshall, the Real World Inferno season 2, corning cookware, sandals not the resort but the shoes that aren't shoes who needs laces (I hate them, much prefer tassels), crayfish, Gateway computer boxes, muscle and fitness magazine, the WNBA, cats a lot of them, as James Bond would say Pussy Galore!
I'm only joking in some places but I wanted to be novelle. I'd love to know more about my readers.
Friday, June 22, 2007
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What is this and who are you? You are an imposter and not the real Vanessa Selbst. I also think you are assuming things about her sexuality that you shouldn't be.
Captain, first thing first your post was fine except for one line. I did not mean to delete the entire thing. BLOGGER! AIYIYIY-IYIy! My apologies for that. With the increased attention my blog has received and being in the spotlight so much recently the line about paying bills on time is worrisome so I deleted it. Thank you for rising up to my defense. I might even forgive you for the attack on Nessy. Please take it back.
Bullfeathers, I am such a BIG fan of Vanessa Selbst. I think you are confused. I almost kind of want to be her. Is that wrong? Is this blog wrong? I don't know what sex she is but I'm not trying to out anyone. Despite my talk I'm a red blooded female too. Nessu is beautiful woman and i post only olut of respect for her. WE share a sisterhood in that we are both strong women who play poker, I arm wrestle too, and she probably does as well. So, sorry I offended you.
Shut your piehole bullfeathers, ever heard of freedom of speech? hell vanessa even said she wasn't vanessa? If you don't like the blog don't read it? I read your's and it isn't worth the hair off my mexican ass. By the way people, i should have a picture up in the next week or so? I am trying to figure out the one i want to put on my blog. i want people to read my blog for my writing not my looks.
By the vanessa i saw that your interest include me, they made me warm inside, it feels good to know that bulldykes dig me to. And yes The empire Strikes Back is bad as.
"Luke I am Your Farther"
James Earl Jones....as Darth Vader
Ridiculous political correctness Nessy. Its your blog but if you think that was offensive you might want to also tone down the dyke smack. Im 1/3 african american and im not offended. Im sorry for keepin it real. I see black audiences laughing at comedians making that same statement shaking their heads " yea thats so true" (all this time I just thought it was a coincidence when I billed my customers)Are stereotypes fact or fiction? . Here im going to play Mad Libs so we keep it PC.
I needed alot of yardwork done so I went to the Wal-Mart parking lot and picked up 5 _______ who hopped in the bed of my truck.
_______ people put their kids in timeout when they are disobediant.They also are not very sucessful boxers because they bleed too easily.
My friend Rico worked at ______ restaurant where he said the owners liked the taste of cat and dog.
The majority of WNBA players eat_____
When a Army tank blasts a building to rubble the ______ have more rocks to fire back with.
Jessie Jackson and Al sharpton want to call a boycott for the Summer Olympics because the US team has no _______ swimmers
Scoring Chart:
1 correct = Tree Stump
2 correct = Mother Theresa
3 correct = Rosie Odonnel
4 correct = Louis Farrahkan
5 correct = Hitler
6 correct = Don Imus
Anyway, Ness you being concerned about that line was almost worse than when GeneD stated he didnt want to copy and paste a story about Capt. Tom and Brandi (6 mth old story with a thousand posts) because he was afraid of legal ramifications. lol
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